Article “Multi-compartment vehicle routing problems: state-of-the-art, modeling framework and future directions” accepted at EJOR

Article “Multi-compartment vehicle routing problems: state-of-the-art, modeling framework and future directions” accepted at EJOR

Second publication in November: Our recent survey on Mulit-Compartment Vehicle Routing Problems was accepted for publication in the European Journal of Operational Research (VHB: A). We are very proud that our literature review on this important routing problem will be available soon. A special thank goes to our collaborators Tino Henke and Gerhard Wäscher from the Otto-von-Goericke-University Magdeburg. It has been a great pleasure to work with them.

Article “Multi-compartment vehicle routing problems: state-of-the-art, modeling framework and future directions” accepted at EJOR

Article “Shelf space dimensioning and product allocation in retail stores” accepted at European Journal of Operational Research

We are happy to announce that our article “Shelf space dimensioning and product allocation in retail stores” was accepted for publication in the European Journal of Operational Research (VHB: A).

Retail shelves are adjustable by varying the number of shelf boards as well as the height and depth of each shelf board. Shelf planners adjust the boards accordingly at regular intervals when they create the shelf plans and allocate products. Current shelf planning models assume given shelf configurations and allocate only products. However, the dimensioning of a shelf segment and product allocation are interdependent. For instance, the height of one segment may be reduced if only small products are allocated or products cannot be stacked.

Interview by Prof. Hübner on impact of Corona on German retail sector

Interview by Prof. Hübner on impact of Corona on German retail sector

The current situation around the Corona virus and it’s implications on the retail sector was a core topic of an interview Prof. Alexander Hübner gave to the Straubinger Tagblatt and Passauer Neue Presse, local newspapers based in Straubing and Passau. The interview has been picked up by the Deutsche Presse Agentur (DPA), a set of other national newspapers published further articles using the statements of Prof. Hübner.

“Outstanding Paper in the 2019 Emerald Literati Awards” for Alexander Hübner

“Outstanding Paper in the 2019 Emerald Literati Awards” for Alexander Hübner

Ein Autoren-Team, an dem neben Prof. Dr. Alexander Hübner vom Campus Straubing der Technischen Universität München (TUM) auch drei weitere Wissenschaftler beteiligt sind, ist kürzlich mit dem “Outstanding Paper in the 2019 Emerald Literati Awards” der Zeitschrift “International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management (IJPDLM)” ausgezeichnet worden.

Die Urkunde erhielten die Autoren Mitte Dezember auf der International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) 2019 in München vom Verlag Emerald für ihren Beitrag „From Bricks-and-Mortar to Bricks-and-Clicks – Logistics Networks in Omni-Channel Grocery Retailing”. Darin befassen sich die Autoren, zu denen neben Hübner auch Dr. Johannes Wollenburg, Prof. Dr. Heinrich Kuhn (beide von der KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt) sowie Prof. Dr. Alexander Trautrims von der University Nottingham zählen, mit Logistiknetzwerken bei Lebensmittelverkäufen über Online-Kanäle.