In this section, you find information about our courses. Furthermore, you find details on how to apply for seminars, Bachelor thesis, Master thesis and currently offered topics.

Our teaching is characterized by broad diversity in its delivery. The following points are particularly important to us:

  • Blending lectures with practical exercises and software tutorials (e.g., training in optimization programming languages as part of the Management Science class)
  • Interactive and multimedia course design (e.g., the use of interactive tutorials in supply chain planning to illustrate SAP planning modules)
  • Guest lectures from corporate and scientific partners and company visits to supplement the curriculum
  • The use of case studies and project work as an adjunct to teaching.


We currently offer the following courses within the Bachelor’s and Master’s programs. The start of the different courses is subjective to student applications and available resources. Specification of the syllabus and entire study program will be developed in close consultation with colleagues in the faculty to provide the best possible support of students.